05/02/14 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, an award-winning syndicated columnist, discusses the Ukrainian military's attempt to take back territory won by pro-Russian protesters; conflict between neo-Nazis and Communists, reminiscent of WWII; and why you should seek a bomb shelter when a politician invokes national "prestige."

05/02/14 – Ramzy Baroud – The Scott Horton Show

Ramzy Baroud, an internationally syndicated columnist and author; discusses the unification of disparate Palestinian factions into the PLO; healing the rifts between Hamas and Fatah; and how Israel maintains the pretense of pursuing a two-state solution while systematically undermining it.

05/02/14 – Jonathan Landay – The Scott Horton Show

Jonathan Landay, a national security and intelligence reporter for McClatchy Newspapers, discusses the surge in terror attacks by aggressive al Qaida affiliate groups; why a global Islamic caliphate still isn't a realistic threat to the West; and how Iran and Hezbollah helped the Syrian government stave off defeat last year.

05/01/14 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, an award-winning independent journalist and historian, continues yesterday's discussion of the August 2013 sarin gas attack in Syria and parses the conflicting opinions of bloggers and experts on who was responsible for the attack and what really happened.

05/01/14 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show

Anand Gopal, author of No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban, and the War through Afghan Eyes, discusses his article "How the U.S. Created the Afghan War - and Then Lost It;" the squandered chance to ally with Jalaluddin Haqqani in 2001 and avoid spreading the war into Pakistan; and why the Afghan government would fall immediately without continued US support.