02/22/13 – Christian Stork – The Scott Horton Show

Christian Stork, a journalist with WhoWhatWhy, discusses his article "The Saga of Barrett Brown: Inside Anonymous And The War On Secrecy;" the federal criminal charges against Brown (who has been jailed since September 2012) that could amount to a life sentence; Brown's research effort (ProjectPM) to crowdsource the 75,000+ Anonymous-procured emails from private security/intelligence contractor HBGary; and the law firms and front groups paid to damage the reputations of activists and...

02/22/13 – Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files, discusses the US's very low standards for kidnapping and torturing suspects in the War on Terror; the continuing "colossal miscarriages of justice" for innocent victims; the Spanish courts taking action after the US failed to hold anyone accountable; the political cowardice preventing the release of Guantanamo prisoners cleared by Obama's task force; and why indefinite detention without trial is the hallmark of dictatorships, not democracies.

02/22/13 – Patrick Cockburn – The Scott Horton Show

Patrick Cockburn, journalist with The Independent, discusses how the civil war in Syria is inspiring Iraq's restive Sunni population; why Baghdad still has nonfunctional sewers and electricity even though billions of dollars have been spent; the Sunni protestors who are denied government representation and jobs; and the scant media coverage on Iraq after the US withdrawal.

02/22/13 – Philip Weiss – The Scott Horton Show

Mondoweiss blogger Philip Weiss discusses the outcome of Israel's election; Netanyahu's strange coalition of centrists and right-wingers; the liberal American Zionists who have faith that Obama and/or the EU can make Israel's government more moderate; why apartheid means the end of the Jewish Israeli state; the mainstream media's newfound ability to question and criticize Israel; and how Chuck Hagel's confirmation hearings have drawn needed attention to the Israel lobby.

When solitude is torture By George F. Will

'Zero Dark Thirty,' a nominee for Sunday’s Oscar for Best Picture, reignited debate about whether the waterboarding of terrorism suspects was torture. This practice, which ended in 2003, was used on only three suspects [tens of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans were tortured by George F. Will's buddies in the wars that he mongered. -ed]. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of American prison inmates are kept in protracted solitary confinement that arguably constitutes torture and probably violates the...

02/20/13 – Nathan Fuller – The Scott Horton Show

Nathan Fuller of the Bradley Manning Support Network discusses the upcoming international protests on February 23rd against Bradley Manning's 1000 days locked in jail without trial; how Manning's defense has been hurt by unfavorable pretrial rulings; the government's unprecedented interpretation of "aiding the enemy;" and the persecution of whistleblowers and leakers of information unfavorable to the government (favorable leaks are A-OK).

02/20/13 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Gareth Porter discusses his upcoming book Manufactured Crisis: A History of the Iranian Nuclear Scare; his article on the investigation of the July 2012 Israeli tourist bus bombing, "Bulgarian Revelations Explode Hezbollah Bombing 'Hypothesis;'" how Israel and the US are scheming to get Hezbollah on the EU terrorist organization list; clues that point to Al-Qaeda involvement in the Bulgaria bus bombing; the significance of the 1996 Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia; and...

02/19/13 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses his article "Political Violence Grips Egypt From All Sides;" the National Salvation Front's demand for a new government and revised constitution; Mohamed ElBaradei's return to political prominence despite his unpopularity among Egyptians; divisions within the Salafist constituency; and why the protests are probably aimed at taking down President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

02/19/13 – Kingston Reif – The Scott Horton Show

Kingston Reif, Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, discusses the cost effectiveness of the US missile defense system; the failure to test against ICBM's, decoys and countermeasures; why Israel's "Iron Dome" doesn't prove missile defense works; and how a seemingly defensive strategy could be used offensively against US rivals - sparking a new nuclear arms race.

02/18/13 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, journalist and author of American Raj, discusses how the disputed Senkaku Islands could ignite a China-Japan conflagration; the return of militant nationalism in Asia; why the US should gracefully withdraw from China's regional sphere of influence; the economic limitations of US empire going forward; attacks on Shia minorities in Afghanistan and Pakistan; and the military-industrial complex's motivation to stay in Afghanistan forever.

02/18/13 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses new details on the DOJ "white paper" justifying the extrajudicial assassination of American citizens abroad; judge Colleen McMahon's below-the-radar observation that Anwar al-Awlaki's killing was illegal; problems with "laws of war" justifications when the CIA is doing the killing; the spotty evidence al-Awlaki was directly involved with the underwear-bomb plot or the Ft. Hood shooting; and why the Obama administration had to know al-Awlaki's son was a minor...

02/15/13 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show

Lew Rockwell, founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, discusses the Federal Reserve System's disastrous 100-year history; the rising popularity of Austrian economics thanks in large part to Ron Paul; achieving a brighter future by eschewing Keynes and taking away the government's control of the money supply; the problem with artificially low interest rates; and why central banking is nearly the worst thing to ever happen to mankind.