07/08/08 – James Bovard – The Scott Horton Show

James Bovard, author of Attention Deficit Democracy, discusses the outrageous new FISA amendments, relative criminality of Nixon's wiretapping crimes to Bush's and relative courage of the Congress then to now, the lack of outrage among the population at large, the massive imperial court surrounding Washington DC and America's massive warfare-welfare-police state.

The News I Didn’t Get To

On the show today: What John McCain didn't learn in Vietnam - Suicide, Post-Traumatic Stress and Depression Haunt US Troops Back from Iraq and Afghanistan - Paintball was practice, says terror-cell mole - No evidence needed under terror profiling plan - Families tell of hidden Korean War executions - U.S. Okayed Korean War Massacres - US colonel wrote he sanctioned mass killing - Russia says Georgia could spark new war in Abkhazia - The Rise and McFaul of Obama's Russia Policy - (Yes, I know,...

07/07/08 – Carah Ong – The Scott Horton Show

Carah Ong, Iran Policy Analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, discusses the new offer to Iran by the P5+1, the War Party's numerous propagandists, the current drum-beat towards war, the question of Iran's pre-2003 nuclear weapons program, the cat and mouse game of accusations the U.S. is playing with the IAEA and Iran, the need for cross-cultural exchange with Iran and the sanction/blockade resolution pending in Congress.

The Show: Carah Ong

Carah Ong will be the featured guest on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio, 1:15PM Eastern, Monday, July 7th. Carah Ong will be discussing the ongoing controversy surrounding Iran’s nuclear program. Carah Ong is the Iran Policy Analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation where her work focuses on Iran, nuclear weapons, missile defense, and the greater Middle East. Since 1999, Ong has worked for non-governmental organizations on nuclear disarmament, arms control, nuclear...

The Third Tower

The BBC are going to solve the "final mystery of 9/11" in a documentary which will air tomorrow, will this put an end all the conspiracy theories about 9/11 ? : ) Here's the trailer-