The Show

for today: News and such. Maybe an interview if we're lucky. Listen live from 11-1pm central on 92.7 FM in Austin or stream from or

The Show

for today: Me talking about stuff. 11-1 Texas time on 92.7 FM in Austin, or stream from or

06/16/08 – Tom Engelhardt – The Scott Horton Show

Tom Engelhardt, proprietor of and editor of the new book, The World According to Tomdispatch: America in the New Age of Empire, discusses his recent article 'The Greatest Story Never Told' about the immense permanent military bases the U.S. has built throughout Iraq, how most Americans are oblivious to this, the lack of media coverage of the U.S. bombing escalation of Iraq, how Americans would react if we were attacked, how few Americans grasp the enormous number of civilians...

06/16/08 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis discusses the widening of the hopeless U.S. occupation of Afghanistan into Pakistan, America's siding with the formerly pro-Soviet Tajik and Uzbek forces against the Pashtuns, the hatred of U.S. actions by most of the people of Pakistan, the relative lack of danger that Pakistan's nukes could get loose or be used, how Americans don't recognize they are living in an empire, U.S. plans to invade Afghanistan before 9/11, why the U.S. let Bin Laden escape and the AQ Kahn nuclear...

The Show: Sibel Edmonds, Luke Ryland, and Tom Engelhardt

Sibel Edmonds, Luke Ryland, and Tom Engelhardt, will be the featured guests on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio on Monday, June 16th Sibel Edmonds and Luke Ryland will be discussing the latest developments in Sibel’s legal case at 12:15PM Eastern. Tom Engelhardt will be discussing his new article on, ‘The Greatest Story Never Told: Finally, the U.S. Mega-Bases in Iraq Make the News’ at 1:15PM Eastern. Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI translator and the founder of the...

Campaign for Liberty

The Ron Paul Revolution lives on in the Campaign for Liberty. Ron is asking for 100,000 members by September. Right now, they're at 49,000. Go sign up!

Full Metal Jacket Re-enactment .

It's a bit quiet around here on a sunday so i thought I'd post this video from a you-tube user, he makes re-enactments of famous scenes from films, i don't know who he is but he is pretty damn good, apparently he makes all these in his basement - for more