Brzezinski: Antiwar poseur

Larry Chin, of Online Journal, flaunts the hollow facade of the neoliberal elite cadre and their complete dependency on the millisecond flashes of long-term memory of their audience. Neoliberal elite Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the leading architects of the "war on terrorism’ across the Middle East and the Eurasian subcontinent (and whose book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives laid the groundwork for 9/11) has adopted a politically expedient...

Badr Backfill for Maliki

Juan Cole has an informative collection of translations that explain the fallout of the resulting mutiny in Basra of the Puppet Regimes inept matchstick men. I find it hard to believe that this wasn't tucked away in the back of his mind somewhere before he decidifieded to embark on his first reign of terror on his own people. The induction of Badr Corps fighters (the paramilitary of ISCI) and those of the Da'wa Party into security positions came in the wake of the firing of thousands of...

04/03/08 – Nick Turse – The Scott Horton Show

Nick Turse, associate editor and research director of, discusses the future weaponization of animals by the Pentagon, the new cyborg-insects, moves by different local police agencies to deploy Predator drones, the 'hey, it’s simply value-free research going on here' attitude of the DARPA researchers and the rise of the military industrial-everything complex.

The Show: Nick Turse

Nick Turse, associate editor and research director of will be featured guest on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio, 12:15PM Eastern, Thursday, April 3. Nick Turse will be discussing his recent article in the Asia Times Online, The Pentagon's Battle Bugs. Turse is the associate editor and research director of He has written for the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Nation, The Village Voice, and Daily Ireland. The Scott Horton Show airs...


We have interns so be polite when they post upcoming show information. Thanks to all who signed up on Facebook's Antiwar Fan page. Do foist the MP3s on the unsuspecting and the incontinent. Also, the Libertarian Party will have a Bloggers' Row in Denver. Expect the unexpected.

Depress-ioning news?

Salon says that we could be headed for another Great Depression.  What's the cause of it?  A lack of government of course! 

04/02/08 – Charles Goyette – The Scott Horton Show

Charles Goyette and Scott Horton of Antiwar Radio discuss the use of the pejorative 'conspiracy theorist,' to shut down debate of controversial issues, the continuing danger of war with Iran, the Federal Reserve Board’s war against the American people, their total lack of accountability, vast new power grab over ever larger sectors of the economy, the (un)willingness of most Americans to face up to the truth of the corruption in DC, the danger that when the economy really gets bad, the state...

04/02/08 – Scott Horton – The Scott Horton Show

The Other Scott Horton, international human rights lawyer, contributing writer for Harper's magazine and author of their blog No Comment, discusses the release of the full text of the infamous Yoo-Bybee torture memo, the bogus defensive arguments invoking unlimited power contained therein, how the law is supposed to work instead, the Pinochet precedent for prosecution of the highest level officials in this case, the sad story of Dilawar the Afghan cab driver, the scapegoating of the lowest...

Rethinking Government

I was thinking about this a lot last night, and we all like to bash the government, but perhaps we are missing some perspective here. First of all, we are, whether we want to be or not, at war, and we must face this reality. America's enemies are determined enemies of freedom itself and, as clumsy or heavy-handed as our government can be, we need to keep in mind how much worse we'd be if conquered by radical fundamentalist extremist Islamist fascists. Bush might not be ideal, but at least...

04/01/08 – Alan Bock – The Scott Horton Show

Alan Bock, senior editorial writer at the Orange County Register and author of the regular column 'Eye on the Empire' for, discusses the media sycophants who got it wrong, why we got it right, the military’s resistance to Cheney’s war with Iran, how Somalia was before the American-Ethiopia invasion, the case against the central state, the counterproductive and unwinnable 'war on terror,' John McCain’s militarist mindset, and the bogus excuses for staying in Iraq and the personal...