The Show

for today: News, Anthony Gregory. Listen live from 11am-1pm central at

Brian Wilson

The Toledo Blade has a great profile of my friend Brian Wilson, LRC-style libertarian talk show host out of Toledo, Ohio. Thanks to Lew.


Come on now ya'lls. You know how it is. Like a museum. It's a suggested contribution at the door, but you know you're a jerk if you don't kick down. Here's the link to click.

The Show

for today: Charles Kuck, Jonathan Schwarz, John V. Walsh. Listen live from 11-1pm Texas time at

Star Wars Episode II.V

A cartoon movie, The Clone Wars, is coming out this August. Here's hoping it isn't too lame. Why couldn't II have been I and done much better and then II coulda been the Clone Wars and then III could have been what it was only done better? That way what we know now as I would just be some lame comic book or something. I wonder if Lucas would consider hiring a new director and then letting that guy redo all the prequels all bad-ass like and we could all pretend the last few never happened......

The Show

for today: The Other Scott Horton, Christopher Ketcham. Listen live from 11am - 1pm central at MP3 here. Interviews here.

02/14/08 – Scott Horton – The Scott Horton Show

The other Scott Horton (no relation), heroic anti-torture human rights lawyer, Columbia University lecturer and noted author of the blog 'No Comment' at Harper’s magazine, discusses the erosion of the rule of law as binding on government power, the Senate’s attempt to push back by again outlawing torture, Justice Scalia’s scandalous view of '’so-called’ torture,' the Taxi to the Dark Side, the 'Kubark technique' of sensory deprivation/overload, the innocence of 92% of the Guantanamo detainees,...