Wolfowitz brought back to take the fall for Condi?

In the lead-up to the Iraq invasion, the single most incriminating charge came when Colin Powell went before the U.N. with his laundry list of false wmd accusations. The neocons in and around the White House got Powell to do this for two reasons: not only was he the most credible voice, but he was also not a team player. They realized Powell would obstruct their war plans a few days after 9/11 when he was the sole opposition to striking Iraq immediately. Powell’s top aid calls the U.N. speech...

12/06/07 – Wayne Barrett – The Scott Horton Show

Village Voice senior editor Wayne Barrett discusses Rudolph Guliani's business dealings with the Interior Ministry of Qatar, whose chief, Abdallah bin Khalid al-Thani, helped 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohamed escape the clutches of the FBI in 1996, Rudy's company's helping to provide security for the leaders of Iran, Syria and Hamas while they were in Qatar during the Asian Games last year and the role of al Qaeda and al-Thani in the Khobar Towers attack of 1996.

12/06/07 – Scott Ritter – The Scott Horton Show

Scott Ritter, former U.S. Marine and UN weapons inspector and author of Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change, discusses the new Iran NIE, its confirmation of his long-held contention that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program, the lack of hard evidence that they ever did, the illogic of the administration’s demands that Iraq and now Iran prove a negative, the mysterious origin of the 'smoking laptop,' his patriotism, the state of Iran’s compliance with...

The Show

for today: Gareth Porter, Philip Giraldi and Gordon Prather will discuss Iran's nuclear program. Listen here 11-1pm Texas time.

12/05/07 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA and DIA officer and Antiwar.com columnist Philip Giraldi explains his view of the new Iran NIE, Iran’s 'hypothetical' nuclear weapons program which amounts to basically nothing to have been suspended in 2003, the neocons’ pathetic cries that the CIA is out to get the vice president, the new evidence obtained, the ignorance of the Congress, the likely angle of the War Party from here, what sort of war is planned for, the U.S.-Israeli attempt to get friendly Arab governments on board...

12/05/07 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Historian and journalist Gareth Porter discusses the new Iran NIE, it’s dual role as verifying the peaceful nature of the Iranian’s nuclear program while also pretending to verify that Iran had a nuclear weapons program in the first place (which remains unproven, confirmation in the NIE that the Iranians can in fact be negotiated with, the deterrent value in simply being able to get their centrifuges working right, the lowered standard of their 'possessing the knowledge,' to make a nuke as...

12/05/07 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com's Dr. Gordon Prather explains his suspicions that the CIA doesn't have any credible evidence that Iran ever had a nuclear weapons program to halt in 2003 and that the timing of the NIE may have been meant to undercut ElBaradei's anticipated report to that effect later this month.

Attention Baby-Boomers: Do You Want To Save Your Retirement?

Attention Baby-Boomers: Do You Want To Save Your Retirement? In the upcoming primaries you are not only voting for the next president, but you are also voting for the defense or demise of your retirement plan. You may have designed your retirement based on the official inflation rate of around 2-½%. However this number is a lie. The true inflation rate that the Federal Reserve is causing is 17.3% this year! There is only one candidate for president who will not only acknowledge this crime but...

Major Change to DemocracyNow Site

Um, I think I called for this in a comment awhile back on this site. Anyway, the streaming section for each show now contains MP4 links for video, as well as a "More Video Formats" link which takes you to archive.org where there is a youtube-like flash version, complete with embedding code. Also, there is an OGG THEORA version, which of course is completely GNU/LINUX open source. I specifically called for that in the comment (which I'm too damned lazy to go back and link to). For the fanatics,...