Columnist Asks for Answers from Ron Paul Supporters

Link. ‘Ron Paul scares me because he is actually going to do what he says...What happens if Iraq is overtaken by extremists? What happens if the flow of oil is disrupted in Saudi Arabia? What do we do if Israel is bombed by Hamas and Hezbollah, or Iran? What if Iran, with their mind set on the destruction of Israel, gets a nuclear weapon? If any Ron Paul supporters reading this know the answers to these questions please tell me. Because, frankly, I want a non-interventionist policy, but I...

The Show

for today: News, ya'll's phone calls. 512 646-6446. Listen live from 11-1pm Central on Radio KAOS 92.7,95.9 FM in Austin, or stream it live from

Publisher Rejects Title of New Buchanan Book

Originally, Pat wanted it to be called "Keep Out The Wetbacks!!!". Sadly, he was overruled by his publisher, which has named it "Day of Reckoning" Here's Drudge's preview: "To prevent America becoming ‘a tangle of squabbling nationalities’ Buchanan urges: No amnesty for the 12-20 million illegal aliens; a border fence from San Diego to Brownsville; Congressional declarations that children born to illegal aliens are not citizens and English is the language of the United States; and a...

Founder of Has Changed His Mind

He is now supporting Ron Paul M.D. Note that the interview he links to is the great one with that newspaper editorial board in New Hampshire — the one where he actually argues with the lady about abortion. Paul's position on this issue has never been a deal-breaker for me (not by a long shot), but I am very happy to see that grass-roots democrat types are apparently also able to say to themselves, "Hey, the guy's an obstetrician, I can overlook this disagreement and at least he's for...

Rudy Giuliani Got A Bunch of Heroic Firefighters Killed on 9/11

Due to his criminal negligence: The Village Voice says he put the Command Center at Bld. 7 so he could cheat on his Cousin/Wife with his puppy torturing and murdering concubine of his (now his wife) within walking distance from work. Update: Steve C. clears up who he was cheating on and with in BLD7 in the comment section.


Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch have a great article on Ron Paul and the New Realignment in today's Washington Post. Paul's "freedom message" is the direct descendant of Barry Goldwater's once-dominant GOP philosophy of libertarianism (which Ronald Reagan described in a 1975 Reason magazine interview as "the very heart and soul of conservatism"). But that tradition has been under a decade-long assault by religious-right moralists, neoconservative interventionists and a governing coalition that...

The American Left Takes Potshots at the Peace Candidate

In the last couple of days, a couple of prominent voices from the American ’Left’ , Chomsky and Krugman, have expressed concerns about Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy, based mostly on his pro-free market economic policies. I have a beef with Ron Paul too. I strongly oppose his position on the privatization of municipal garbage services. But I sure as hell ain’t gonna let that issue stop me from voting for him for President, considering he is the only viable ’peace and civil liberties’...

The Show

for today: Let's discuss left, right, center and  libertarianism. 512-646-6446. 11-1pm Texas time, 92.7, 95.9 FM in Austin or

Ron Paul Explains the Importance of Mises and the Austrian School

Mises and Austrian Economics: A Personal View by Ron Paul [.pdf] The economist’s approval of the market for purely utilitarian reasons actually becomes a more ‘objective’ analysis if not approached from a natural rights standpoint. But when combined with a natural-rights philosophy, it is even more powerful. No choice must be made. The utilitarian argument does not exclude the belief that life and liberty originates with the Creator. When they are added together they become doubly important....

Giving Thanks to the Market

Every year, as Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season roll around, we must all face the inevitable sight of politicians commending America, its military, its public servants, the spirit of giving, family, brotherhood, apple pie, and all the rest of the traditional subjects of adulation that only the misanthropic or unpatriotic would ever deride. We are told to be particularly thankful for the public schoolteachers, the police officers, the legislators, bureaucrats, and especially soldiers. Now,...

A Left-Anarchist Calls Out Chomsky

Although I have some sympathy for some left-anarchists and see many as potential allies, I tend to agree with Bill Anderson and Lew Rockwell on Chomsky. Thanks to Michael Erwin for bringing to my attention this good article from a few years back critiquing Chomsky from an anarcho-socialist, or anarcho-anti-capitalist perspective, "Chomsky's Statism: An anarchism for the next millenium?" Here's a good key excerpt: Government is a package. The welfare state is also the warfare state, and, while...