09/10/07 – Michael Scheuer – The Scott Horton Show

'Well, you know, the only people taking ‘marching orders’ from Osama bin Laden, as far as I can tell, are every presidential candidate, Mr. Clinton and Mr.Bush — except Mr. Paul. Mr. Paul has it very square about what the motivation of our enemy is, and it’s certainly exactly what he said it is, intervention. ”¦ 'Really, it is the American political establishment that is marching to al Qaeda’s beat, not Mr. Paul.' Michael Scheuer, former head analyst at the CIA’s bin Laden unit and author of...

Mike Huckabee to Compound His Mistake?

LRC Blog passes on an FMNN report that Huckabee has accepted CNN's invite for a toe to toe with Ron Paul on the terror war. Where are you going to be without Guito the gangster and Sally the Massachusetts governor at your back, punk? Update: FMNN is not a very reliable source and this would really be shooting downward for Dr. Paul dontcha think?

Understanding the Contemporary Republican Party: Authoritarians Have Taken Control

Part One in a Three-Part Series, by John Dean. At the outset of Conservatives Without Conscience, I provided a quick and highly incomplete summary of Altemeyer's findings, explaining that his empirical testing revealed "that authoritarians are frequently enemies of freedom, antidemocratic, anti-equality, highly prejudiced, mean-spirited, power hungry, Machiavellian, and amoral." To be clear, these are not assessments that Altemeyer makes himself about these people; rather, this is how those he...

09/07/07 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Historian and investigative reporter Gareth Porter discusses Iran's need for civilian nuclear power, why U.S. belligerence is the most important factor in determining whether they will eventually seek nuclear weapons technology, how the gaining of atomic weapons encouraged caution in Chinese foreign policy in the 1960's, the fact that the Ayatollahs are no less rational than the Cheney Cabal, Cheney's pressure on Clinton to lift sanctions against Iran in the 1990's, the corrupting influence of...

The Iraqis No One Talks About…

 Assyrians Mourn Demise of Christian Churches in Iraq Phoenix -- Religious scholar Nina Shea of the U.S. Commission of International Religious Freedom recently wrote an editorial titled "Iraq's Endangered Minorities." The article is a harsh critique of the U.S. government and it's allies for not protecting minority religions of Iraq, including Iraq's Assyrian (Christian) communities. As Shea powerfully pointed out, "They don't sponsor terrorism, hold political power or have strong regional...