Sibel Edmonds’ case and the heroin connection

Everyone is talking about "How a ’Good War’ in Afghanistan Went Bad" in yesterday's NYT - but what stands out for me is that in a 7-page article on Afghanistan, there's not one mention of heroin, opium, or even poppies. As a companion piece to the NYT article about losing the 'good war,' I strongly suggest that you read this recent article by former UK Ambassador to Uzebekistan, Craig Murray from late last month. Murray explains that Afghanistan is run by drug lords. Former FBI translator...

The Show

for today: Doesn't look like I'll be able to get a hold of anyone. Listen live here 11am-1pm Central. Call in the show whydontcha? 512-646-6446.

EFPs are Made in Iraq by Iraqis, Those Who Blame Iran are Liars

Okay folks, this one’s simple: Among Shia in Iraq, the U.S. backs the same folks as the Iranians do: The Da’wa Party and the Supreme Islamic Council. The Shi’ites who are fighting our guys are nationalists, down with the Sunni Arab nationalists (to some degree) and opposed to Iran. Well Michael R. Gordon of the New York Times keeps pushing — while providing no evidence — the Vice-President’s propaganda line that the new, improved EFP bombs must be coming from Iran. For those who listen to...

Dearest Readers of Stress,

If you happen to live in Iowa, please do me and my liberty a favor and turn out for Ron Paul M.D. at the straw poll tomorrow in Ames. I'd really appreciate it. Best, Scott Update: Way to go Ron Paulians! 1st Mitt Romney: 4516 votes 2nd Mike Huckabee: 2587 votes 3rd Sam Brownback: 2192 votes 4th Tom Tancredo: 1961 votes 5th Ron Paul: 1305 votes 6th Tommy Thompson: 1039 votes 7th Fred Thompson: 203 votes 8th Rudy Giuliani: 183 votes 9th Duncan Hunter: 174 votes 10th John McCain: 101 votes 11th...

08/10/07 Anthony Weller: My Father’s Lost Dispatches from Nagasaki

Author and musician Anthony Weller discusses First Into Nagasaki: The Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on Post-Atomic Japan and Its Prisoners of War, the lost articles of his father, Pulitzer Prize winner George Weller, the first American into Nagasaki just a month after the bombing. His stories contained information about the actual effects of nuclear war, 'Disease X' — radiation sickness — and the governments unwillingness to provide any type of medical care for its victims. Weller also opened...

Want to be Famous?

This is a special kind of Hell. Billy Corgan, leader of the Smashing Pumpkins, writing on his blog a couple of years ago about what his life was like in 1997, after the Mellon Collie tour ended and he got back home: I really have become a ’rat in the cage’’¦fans sit outside my house and wait for me at all hours of the day’¦sometimes people sneak up on me from behind bushes’¦I have 3 stalkers, one who rights letters about how he dreams at night of me raping him (we have to call the...

Henry Waxman finally speaks out on Sibel Edmonds Case!

For months we have been trying to get Henry Waxman to hold hearings into the case of former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds but we have been met with a stony silence. Until now! The Hollywood Liberal snagged an interview with Henry Waxman and asked about Sibel's case. The full interview is 25 mins long. I've posted the relevant 3-minute audio snippet here. Transcript: Hollywood Liberal: From what I understand Ms. Edmonds was a translator and an FBI whistleblower and uncovered a case that involved...

The Future of the Web: CSS3 and HTML5

An article appeared today on IBM's website concerning the new elements available in HTML5 - currently under development. To put it mildly, I find this exciting. These elements allow for simplification of page layout - while the advancements in CSS3, which has been under development for years, allow for more complex and dynamic page design. Within a couple of years, with any luck, CSS3 and HTML5 will be in wide use. I intend for this site to be one of the first to be redesigned to take...