The Show

for today: Charlie Savage, Mikey Weinstein and Stu Bykofsky. Listen live here from 11am to 1pm central. Mp3 here.

New Stickers! (Finally!)

Okay, I was waiting for a friend to improve on my art, but I gave up and turned over 73 new ones to There are another couple dozen that must be fixed up by my friend with the skills before they go up, but so anyway, it looks like they've started to put up a few of em...

08/15/07 – Mikey Weinstein – The Scott Horton Show

Mikey Weinstein, former Reagan White House counsel, president and founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and author of the book, With God On Our Side: One Man's War Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military discusses the American Taliban takeover the Armed Services and the I.G.'s newest whitewash.

08/14/07 – Scott Kohlhass – The Scott Horton Show

Scott Kohlhass, former chair of the Libertarian Party of Alaska and founder of, discusses War Czar Lute's trial balloon about reviving conscription and explains how Selective "Service" is unknowingly enlisting individuals in over half of the American States.