06/15/07 – Warren Richey – The Scott Horton Show

Warren Richey, reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, discusses the recent ruling by the fourth circuit court that Ali Saleh al Marri, who has been held in a military dungeon for four years, after being arrested in Peoria, IL on accusations that he was an al Qaeda agent preparing to wage 'computer warfare' against Wall Street.

Another US puppet bites the dust!

The Empire's plans suffer another major setback in the Middle-East: Hamas seems to have taken control of the Gaza strip and the Abbas regime is preparing to major repression against the Palestinian population. Here is my take on it What do you guys make of it? check out the rest of my vineyard

Go Berkeley!

Sometimes, I am proud of my town. From the San Francisco Chronicle: Berkeley High remains the only high school in the nation that has failed to comply with the military's request for students' data, a Department of Defense spokesman said. A month ago, the school -- under pressure from the government to release the data or lose funding -- changed its policy that blocked the release of students' personal information. The new policy allows students and parents who do not wish to be contacted by...

O’Reilly calls others traitors for covering America’s defeat in Iraq

Bill O'Reilly claims CNN and MSNBC are giddily helping the terrorists by covering the violence in Iraq. He is the true patriot for talking about nothing instead. It is obvious to me that the true culprits are those greedy technologists - I'm talking to you Sony and so forth! - who keep inventing smaller and cheaper video cameras and selling them to those darn ungrateful Iraqis.

Your tax dollars hard at work: the ‘gay bomb’

No, this is not a joke and its not April 1st. Read this piece from the BBC or this entry to the Wikipedia: the Pentagon was really funding research into creating a ‘gay bomb,’ which would make enemy soldiers ‘sexually irresistible’ to each other. The BBC reports that: The plan for a so-called ‘love bomb’ envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the military called a ‘distasteful but completely non-lethal’ blow to...

Antiwar Radio: Aaron Glantz

Investigative reporter Aaron Glantz, author of How America Lost Iraq, discusses the U.S. government's destruction of Iraq society and the lives of millions of people - including many U.S. veterans who are apparently considered the enemy by the government who sent them to war.