Warren Richey, crime reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, discusses the first Guantanamo military commission 'trial' of Bin Laden’s driver Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the extremely low bar the government is trying to set as precedent by trying such a low level bin Laden associate first, Hamdan’s doom to stay detained as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life whether convicted or aquitted of war crimes, the possibility that the Boumedine case could be used as precedent for those 'convicted'...
10/22/07 – Warren Richey – The Scott Horton Show
Warren Richey, reporter for the Christian Science Monitor discusses the Jose Padilla case, Padilla’s $1.00 lawsuit against the Government, the government’s claim that none of his 'clearly established rights' were violated, and the damage to Padilla’s psyche as the result of the torture he suffered at the hands of the U.S. military.
08/21/07 – Warren Richey – The Scott Horton Show
Warren Richey, reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, discusses the case against Jose Padilla, the state's inability to prove the extent of his involvement with al Qaeda and the broad conditions under which the government will now detain an American citizen without trial.
06/15/07 – Warren Richey – The Scott Horton Show
Warren Richey, reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, discusses the recent ruling by the fourth circuit court that Ali Saleh al Marri, who has been held in a military dungeon for four years, after being arrested in Peoria, IL on accusations that he was an al Qaeda agent preparing to wage 'computer warfare' against Wall Street.
05/30/07 – Warren Richey – The Scott Horton Show
The Christian Science Monitor's Warren Richey covers the trial of Jose Padilla and his fellow accused.