Clinton Slams Obama for Noticing She Said She’s Waiting Around in the Hopes Someone Murders Him

How dare that uppity boy respond to such old news - and so soon?! On ‘Face the Nation’ Sunday on CBS, [Clinton Shill Howard] Wolfson said, ‘It was unfortunate and unnecessary, and in my opinion, inflammatory, for the Obama campaign to attack Senator Clinton on Friday for these remarks, without obviously knowing the full facts or context.’ ... Mrs. Clinton said she was ‘deeply dismayed and disturbed that my comment would be construed in a way that flies in the face of everything I stand for -...

A Lot Of People Lie And get Away With it.

My First post so i thought i would test it out and post this little video i saw a few weeks back, nice to see these liars get confronted, also features Ray McGoverns heroic confrontation with Donald Rumsnamara, always worth seeing again. I particularly like the guy who calls Wolfowitz a 'nazi son of a bitch'. 🙂 edit Looks like Hillary has turned Bill Kristol on with all her talk of "obliterating" Iran, he now says she deserves respect, yet more evidence that the neo-cons love Hillary. Not...