07/11/12 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern discusses his article "How Iran Might See the Threats;" Israel's gambit of pushing an Iran attack before the US presidential election; why the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran was such a big deal; and the Israeli government's conclusion that the West Bank is not really occupied territory.

07/10/12 – David Swanson – The Scott Horton Show

David Swanson discusses US violations of international law on military recruiting of minors; how No Child Left Behind, ASVAB testing and JROTC run afoul of UN protections of children; and the under-18s held at Guantanamo and killed in Obama-authorized drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan.

07/10/12 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg discusses Edmund Burke's notion of "natural society" and "policed society;" why American police forces are servants of the state, not of the people; the botched SWAT raid in Evansville, IN; and how good cops get thrown off the force for finding alternatives to overwhelming violence.

07/10/12 – Robert Parry – The Scott Horton Show

Robert Parry discusses the Ronald Reagan presidential campaign's interference in the 1979-81 Iran hostage crisis, contributing to Jimmy Carter's defeat; secret deals from the Iran-Contra scandal to the Iran-Iraq War; and Richard Nixon's own "October surprise" in 1968, when he undermined LBJ's attempt to end the Vietnam War.

07/09/12 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis discusses why Yasser Arafat's unexplained death in 2004 was probably caused by Polonium 210 poisoning; Israel's penchant for using rather exotic poisons for assassinating enemies; and the 2006 murder of Russian FSB agent Alexander Litivenko.

07/09/12 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Marcy Wheeler discusses her article "Failed Overseers Prepare to Legislate Away Successful Oversight;" the US government's double standard on which leaks are prosecuted and which ignored; why cyberwarfare is a bad idea, especially when Israel's involved; and the lies about Obama's "kill list" for drone strike targets.

07/03/12 – Charles Goyette – The Scott Horton Show

Charles Goyette discusses how prosperity is an offshoot of freedom, how the state is hastening America's economic collapse, why Democrats and Republicans are both "food stamp" parties; and why we need to be aware of the demagogues diverting public anger away from government and Wall Street, toward convenient scapegoats like gays and Muslims.  

07/03/12 – William S. Lind – The Scott Horton Show

William S. Lind discusses his article "Unfriendly Fire: How the Taliban mastered the operational art of modern war;" a history of state-dominated warfare since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648; so-called "green on blue" attacks in Afghanistan; and how a rudderless foreign policy has prevented US progress in Afghanistan since November 2001.  

06/28/12 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show

Lew Rockwell, founder and Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses his “War and Inflation“speech at a 2008 Future of Freedom Foundation conference;” how central banking allows governments to fund wars and empire through money printing instead of direct taxation, keeping a lid on internal dissent; why deflation is a normal and desirable condition of productive economies; and why Keynesianism is best summarized as the economics of state power.