All you greenies need are free markets and property rights.
Rep. Ron Paul M.D. Post-Debate Interview
Thanks to Lew.
Rep. Ron Paul M.D. in CNN Debate 11/28/07
Thanks to ScaningTheWaves!
You Callin’ Ron Paul a Liar?
Some jerk just claimed on CNN that Ron Paul lied in tonight's CNN-Youtube debate when he said that there were 5,000 people at his rally in Philadelphia. Oh, yeah? Well I just Googled: Ron Paul Philadelphia 5000 and I got 462,000 results, lead by this: Local NBC coverage: Ron Paul Philadelphia Veterans’ Rally Draws 5000 - News - "Over 5,000" and this: US News and World Report: Ron Paul Finds Fans in Cradle of Liberty - News Desk ( "5,000 " " "'It certainly looks bigger than...
Why Ron Paul Is Right About Terrorism
A Letter to the GOP Base by David T. Beito and Scott Horton
Columnist Asks for Answers from Ron Paul Supporters
Link. ‘Ron Paul scares me because he is actually going to do what he says...What happens if Iraq is overtaken by extremists? What happens if the flow of oil is disrupted in Saudi Arabia? What do we do if Israel is bombed by Hamas and Hezbollah, or Iran? What if Iran, with their mind set on the destruction of Israel, gets a nuclear weapon? If any Ron Paul supporters reading this know the answers to these questions please tell me. Because, frankly, I want a non-interventionist policy, but I...
Hey, Do You Live in West Virginia?
The Paulunteers need your help - like yesterday. Come on now, git to it. Thanks to Oscar Goldman for the link.
Founder of Has Changed His Mind
He is now supporting Ron Paul M.D. Note that the interview he links to is the great one with that newspaper editorial board in New Hampshire — the one where he actually argues with the lady about abortion. Paul's position on this issue has never been a deal-breaker for me (not by a long shot), but I am very happy to see that grass-roots democrat types are apparently also able to say to themselves, "Hey, the guy's an obstetrician, I can overlook this disagreement and at least he's for...
Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch have a great article on Ron Paul and the New Realignment in today's Washington Post. Paul's "freedom message" is the direct descendant of Barry Goldwater's once-dominant GOP philosophy of libertarianism (which Ronald Reagan described in a 1975 Reason magazine interview as "the very heart and soul of conservatism"). But that tradition has been under a decade-long assault by religious-right moralists, neoconservative interventionists and a governing coalition that...
The Times’ Krugman Smears Ron Paul
In the New York Times and William L. Anderson ain't havin' it.
Ron Paul Explains the Importance of Mises and the Austrian School
Mises and Austrian Economics: A Personal View by Ron Paul [.pdf] The economist’s approval of the market for purely utilitarian reasons actually becomes a more ‘objective’ analysis if not approached from a natural rights standpoint. But when combined with a natural-rights philosophy, it is even more powerful. No choice must be made. The utilitarian argument does not exclude the belief that life and liberty originates with the Creator. When they are added together they become doubly important....
Why hasn’t Ron Paul jumped all over the FBI?
... for raiding the Gold/Silver coin operation in Indiana? Doesn’t the Constitution say in Article I Section 10: ‘No state shall’¦ make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts’’¦? So selling Gold is illegal? Not only is the fed violating the Constitution by issuing it's own counterfeit credit notes -but arresting people for obeying the Constitution. Come on Ron. We know you want to start a parallel Gold currency system to run along-side the plummeting dollair. Now's a...
Cheering for Ron Paul
At TruthDig.
Ron Paul Discusses America’s Monetary System
Jesse Benton Clears Up a Few Things
In a letter to the editor of the National Review. Thanks to Lew Rockwell for the link.