Richard Silverstein, writer of the Tikun Olam blog, discusses his article “Flame: Israel’s New Contribution to Middle East Cyberwar;” the IDF’s “Unit 8200? cyberwarfare department; the differences between industrial-sabotage virus Stuxnet and the sophisticated espionage worm Flame; how state-created computer viruses can get out of control and wreak havoc on their creators; President Obama’s antisocial foreign policy of anonymous drone strikes and cyber attacks; and the US’s rejection of...
11/15/11 – Richard Silverstein – The Scott Horton Show
Richard Silverstein, writer of the Tikun Olam blog, discusses the story he broke on the Mossad-MEK sabotage of an Iranian missile base that killed 17 soldiers and the head of Iran’s missile program; whether a foreign attack on a military installation is an act of terrorism or a declaration of war; Israel’s “black ops” strategy of assassination and sabotage, used in lieu of a direct attack on Iran – for now; Bibi Netanyahu’s frightening megalomania and aspirations of being a Jewish Winston...
09/14/11 – Richard Silverstein – The Scott Horton Show
Richard Silverstein, writer of the Tikun Olam blog, discusses his article “Secret trial revelations prompt US-Israeli diplomatic storm” about the Israeli agenda revealed by FBI translator and whistleblower Shamai Leibowitz; why a DOJ prosecution should be anticipated, despite the First Amendment protection of journalists publishing classified information; why government employees interested in protecting the US should be prepared to pay a steep price for patriotism; how the media spun the...