Rep. Walter Jones, eight term Congressman from North Carolina, discusses the talk of a 2014, instead of 2011, Afghanistan withdrawal deadline; the Kucinich-Jones cosponsored bill requiring Obama to get the troops out by year’s end; the elusive definition of “winning” the war (possibly meaning building roads and schools in Afghanistan while US infrastructure crumbles); why the US can’t continue as the world’s policeman while borrowing the money to do so; using smarter tactics (more bombs, fewer...
01/14/11 – Rep. Walter Jones – The Scott Horton Show
Rep. Walter Jones, eight term Congressman from North Carolina, discusses why he regrets his initial support for the 'unnecessary' Iraq War; the high cost we pay in blood and treasure for continuing the boondoggle in Afghanistan; why a super-debtor nation like the US can’t afford to continue policing the world; how a visit to Walter Reed to see the war wounded can change one’s opinion on US foreign policy; and the small-but-growing Congressional Republican opposition to the Afghanistan...