12/05/07 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA and DIA officer and Antiwar.com columnist Philip Giraldi explains his view of the new Iran NIE, Iran’s 'hypothetical' nuclear weapons program which amounts to basically nothing to have been suspended in 2003, the neocons’ pathetic cries that the CIA is out to get the vice president, the new evidence obtained, the ignorance of the Congress, the likely angle of the War Party from here, what sort of war is planned for, the U.S.-Israeli attempt to get friendly Arab governments on board...

11/28/07 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer and Antiwar.com contributor Philip Giraldi discusses the new Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act and the danger to innocent people posed by 'Commissions' like the one to be created by the act, the fluid definition of 'terrorist,' in the eyes of the State, super-majority complicity in the House of Representatives, the inevitable role of the neocon crazies, why it is a bad idea for Americans to tolerate violations of rights by politicians on 'their'...

11/01/07 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com columnist Philip Giraldi discusses the conflict for Kurdish independence from Turkey, Iran and Syria, U.S. support PKK/PEJAK, MEK, Jundullah and other terrorist groups, the high chances of war with Iran and the risk it will ignite a regional war, the willful ignorance of the Bush/Cheney administration, the neocons’ attempt to undermine Rice’s deal with the North Koreans, the belief of the 'intelligence community' that the story of DPRK-Syrian cooperation on a nuclear weapons...

05/23/07 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Fmr. CIA Officer: Giuliani ‘Not Serious,’ ‘Ignorant’ About Terrorism A former CIA officer said Wednesday that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is 'not serious' about terrorism and 'ignorant' about the Middle East. Former CIA counter-terrorism officer Philip Giraldi, in an interview with Antiwar Radio on Wednesday, said Giuliani 'indicated that he was not only not serious about [al Qaeda terrorism], but seem[s] to be ignorant of both the 9/11 [Commission] report and political realities...

04/02/07 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA agent Philip Giraldi discusses the possibility of war with Iran, the 15 British captives recent media reports of preparations being made, the possible use of nuclear weapons, the danger to U.S. forces in Iraq if "we" do attack, the lack of evidence for an Iranian nuclear weapons program, America's support for Iran in Iraq, AIPAC and the American War Party and the status of "al Qaeda in Iraq."