Reporter Mark Perry returns to the show to talk about his latest piece for the American Conservative Magazine on Donald Trump's nuclear posture review, "Trump’s Nuke Plan Raising Alarms Among Military Brass." According to Perry there's considerable skepticism within the military about the new Trump plan. Perry then details the U.S.-Russia nuclear relations and the extreme danger of any kind of nuclear escalation. Finally Perry discusses what Trump could do to ameliorate the situation with...
9/13/17 Tim Shorrock on the failed diplomacy between North Korea and the United States
Tim Shorrock, author of Spies For Hire, returns to the show to discuss his latest articles for The Nation "Diplomacy With North Korea Has Worked Before, and Can Work Again" and AlterNet "How Sony, Obama, Seth Rogen and the CIA Secretly Planned to Force Regime Change in North Korea." Shorrock details the 1994 deal with North Korea, which was an important step toward diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea, how George W. Bush and the neocons torpedoed the deal leading the North Koreans to...
June 10 – Today on Antiwar Radio
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David Krieger, Marcy Wheeler, Andy Worthington