Nima Shirazi, creator of, discusses the summer surge of “blame Iran” talking points – the marketing strategy to sell Obama’s seventh war to Americans; how Iran’s nonchalant response to threats of an Israeli solo attack ruffles feathers in Washington and Tel Aviv; and how the US justifies an extended Iraq stay by pointing to increased Iranian influence (without acknowledging that the US destroyed Saddam’s Sunni government and helped install the current pro-Iran Shia...
01/10/11 – Nima Shirazi – The Scott Horton Show
Nima Shirazi, creator of, discusses his catalog of the numerous failed predictions — primarily by the US and Israel — of Iran’s imminent creation of a nuclear weapon; how the latest Israeli estimate of a 2015 Iran nuke is explained, not by a longtime mistaken assumption about Iran’s nuclear intentions, but by the effectiveness of sanctions, espionage and assassination; the vastly overstated Iranian 'breakout' capability that could also be ascribed to well over 100 other...