03/26/12 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of chemical engineering and political columnist for PBS’s Tehran Bureau, discusses his article on the IAEA chief, “Yukiya Amano: Minion of the Empire;” the former IAEA officials accusing Amano of a pro-Western bias on Iran; how Amano has fallen into the “Cheney trap” by relying on a small group of advisors and eliminating dissent within the IAEA; and the latest bogus allegations that Iran “refuses to cooperate” with the IAEA’s attempt to inspect the Parchin...

02/24/12 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses his article “Deconstructing Lieberman’s Iran Resolution;” the false premises upon which Senate Resolution 380 is based; Iran’s closely inspected and safeguarded uranium enrichment program; rehashing the Qom facility “gotcha” lies from 2009; why the US isn’t interested in a diplomatic resolution, wherein sanctions are dropped in exchange for Iran implementing the Additional Protocol and allowing...

02/06/12 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses the latest anti-Iran talking point from World Net Daily and serial propagandist Reza Kahlili (“Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel“); what Alireza Forghani, the blogger in question, really said about Israel and preemptive strikes; and why many Americans want to believe every anti-Muslim propaganda piece they see.

11/16/11 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses the specific accusations against Iran in the IAEA report; the truth about the “Soviet nuclear scientist,” the “exploding bridge wire” detonators, and old recycled allegations from Olli Heinonen and Israeli intelligence; and how Iran has never been given access to the “stolen laptop” documents – or the computer itself – and can’t properly respond to allegations or conduct a digital forensic...

11/10/11 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses his article “The IAEA Report on Iran’s Nuclear Program: Alarming or Hyped;” recycling the old “smoking laptop” documents into new allegations against Iran; debunking the story about a Russian nuclear scientist who supposedly helped Iran with nuclear weapons; leaving Iranians to form their own opposition parties without foreign interference; why David Albright won’t give up the Iran-propaganda...

08/09/11 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses how the MEK’s removal from the State Department’s terrorist group list will grease the wheels for war with Iran; the likely funding sources for the MEK’s many expenses, including lobbyists, lawyers, publications and television broadcasts; why Howard Dean and John Bolton should be arrested and charged with material support for terrorism; why the MEK’s “cult” moniker is not hyperbole; a...

07/11/11 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses his article “Don’t Remove the MEK From the Terrorist List;” at antiwar.com; why the US chose to keep MEK leaders safe in Iraq after the 2003 invasion, rather than exchange them for al-Qaeda members held in Iran; the groundswell of support in the US (thanks to a suspiciously large budget, neoconservative allies and successful lobbying) for removing the MEK from the State Department’s list of...

01/20/11 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Southern California, discusses the power struggle between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Khamenei in Iran; how Ahmadinejad's appointment of a well-regarded moderate foreign minister could help achieve a compromise with the US on a low-enriched uranium swap deal and Iran's nuclear enrichment program in general, as well as easing the sanctions that are crippling Iran's economy; Hillary Clinton's...

09/09/10 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

This interview is excerpted from the September 9 KPFK Los Angeles radio broadcast. The entire show can be heard here. Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Southern California, discusses new accusations — from the NCRI (or MEK) terrorist group — that Iran is building secret nuclear enrichment facilities near Tehran, the moderate interpretation of the accusations from the usually-alarmist Institute for Science and International Security,...

07/27/10 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Southern California, discusses the differences between the two Jundallah terrorist groups, the easily exploited tensions between Iran's government and ethnic and religious minorities, the lack of support for Jundallah (Iran) even within the Baluchi community, the post-9/11 U.S. rejection of Iran's cooperation that crippled the moderate government and put hardliners in charge, why the U.S. won't...

Antiwar Radio 5/18/10:

Antiwar Radio 5/18/10: Margaret Roberts, Muhammad Sahimi, James Bovard, Bob Murphy and Debra Sweet 11-1pm 95.9 in Austin or stream from http://kaosradioaustin.org

05/18/10 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Southern California, discusses the Iran/Turkey/Brazil enriched uranium swap agreement, the predictable negative reception from Europe and the US, further demands upon Iran and continuing sanctions meant to queer the deal, Hillary Clinton's last minute attempt to dissuade Turkey and Brazil from cooperating with Iran and why arguing for Iran's rights under the NPT is not an endorsement of Ahmadinejad or...

05/07/10 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Southern California, discusses the consistently wrong warnings from Western and Israeli sources about an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon, the lack of outcry over the Shah's nuclear ambitions in the 1970s, clarification of Iran's obligations under the NPT and additional protocol/subsidiary agreements and how persistent lies about Iran's nuclear program overwhelm the efforts to debunk them.

02/02/10 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Southern California, discusses the newest round of proposed US sanctions on Iran, the odd idea that choking off supplies of refined petroleum will pressure Iran to give up uranium enrichment, how sanctions will effectively impose a gasoline tax on ordinary Iranians and consolidate the power of the Revolutionary Guard, generous concessions made by moderate Iranian presidents that were rebuffed by the...

10/28/09 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Southern California, discusses the co-opting of Jundullah by the CIA and Saudi Arabia to destabilize Iran, Congress's generous $300 million outlay to terrorist groups who participate in covert actions against U.S. enemies, Jundullah's likely participation in the Afghanistan-to-Europe heroin trade and the global struggle over Central Asian petroleum pipeline routes.