Again, thanks to Anders. Check out Antiwar Radio's new YouTube channel!
05/26/08 – Michael Schwartz – The Scott Horton Show
Michael Schwartz, Professor Sociology at Stony Brook University and author of the new book War Without End: The Iraq War in Context, discusses his latest TomDispatch article, 'River of Resistance,' the true scale of the destruction of Iraq, various studies of Iraqi casualties, direct responsibility of the U.S. military for the majority of the hundreds of thousands of violent Iraqi deaths since 2003, the plight of the refugees and the dire poverty of many of those who remain, the West...
The Show: Michael Schwartz
Michael Schwartz will be the featured guest on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio, 12:15PM Eastern, Monday, May 26. Michael Schwartz will be discussing his latest article on, "River of Resistance." Michael Schwartz, Professor Sociology at Stony Brook University, has written extensively on popular protest and insurgency. His analyses of America's Iraq War have appeared regularly at, as well as Asia Times, Mother Jones, and Contexts. His forthcoming Tomdispatch...
03/31/08 – Michael Schwartz – The Scott Horton Show
Michael Schwartz, journalist and Professor of Sociology at SUNY-Stony Brook, discusses the history of the U.S. military’s various policies for and against various religious and political factions in Iraq over the past 5 years, Dick Cheney’s oil 'control' motive for the war and the necessity of American withdrawal.