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Joshua E. S. Phillips, Michael Boldin, Eric Margolis
05/25/11 – Michael Boldin – The Scott Horton Show
Michael Boldin, founder of the Tenth Amendment Center, discusses the “Nullify Now!” event on Saturday, May 28th in Los Angeles; state rebellions on the Real ID Act and TSA airport “security” groping; why the US government threatened to impose a no-fly zone on Texas; how large countries are better served by local control than a vast central government; and why its up to the individual states to nullify the Patriot Act, since Washington politicians remain committed to destroying our civil...
01/21/11 – Michael Boldin – The Scott Horton Show
Michael Boldin, founder of the Tenth Amendment Center, discusses Thomas Jefferson's suggested response to government run amok: nullification; why a compromise agreement on raising the US debt ceiling will mean the current Republican resurgence has already fizzled out; the persistence of state medical marijuana laws despite federal government outrage and unfavorable SCOTUS rulings; why those trying to effect change within government should stick to the local and state levels; the misuse of...