As part of Antiwar Radio’s week long series on the economic crisis in association with Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty, Austrian School economists Robert Murphy and Mark Thornton discuss the financial crisis, the reasons why the alleged solutions will not only fail but make the situation worse, the naive mistake of trusting politicians to regulate the banks, how Fed-chief Bernanke claimed in 2005 that the mortgage industry was solid, the mystery of why Tresury Secretary Paulson’s former...
07/16/08 – Mark Thornton – The Scott Horton Show
Mark Thornton, Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses the crime of the Fed's "bailout" of the big financial institutions and the cronyism between the two, the problems with our fractional reserve system, the destructive consequences of a close state-private business relationship, the perils of inflation on society, the possibility of a catastrophic global dollar sell-off, how our trade deficit is a symptom of the federal budget deficit whereby we flood China with extra...
11/20/04 – Mark Thornton – The Scott Horton Show
Scott and Mark Thornton discuss regulation, mercantilism, the Fed, healthcare, and Star Wars. Audio Stream MP3 Link