04/20/11 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Marcy Wheeler, blogging as “emptywheel” at firedoglake.com, discusses why Bradley Manning’s sudden transfer to Ft. Leavenworth may be the Pentagon’s tacit acknowledgment of his mistreatment; the effective pressure of protesters, foreign governments and the UN special rapporteur on torture; the apparent plan to drive Manning crazy so he is ruled incompetent to participate in his own trial; the DOD’s terrible computer network security and Wired chat logs snitch Adrian Lamo’s questionable...

03/11/11 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Marcy Wheeler, blogging under the pseudonym “emptywheel” at firedoglake.com, discusses Obama’s weasel-worded disagreement with State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley’s (who has since resigned) candid assessment of Bradley Manning’s mistreatment in custody; why lax security in the Department of Defense – responsible for the leaked State Department cables – may have created a rift between the two agencies; Manning’s subjection to techniques designed to create “learned helplessness” and generate...

02/24/11 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Marcy Wheeler, blogging under the pseudonym “emptywheel” at firedoglake.com, discusses the mysterious case of CIA officer Raymond Davis and the shootings in Pakistan, doubts about his robbery story, the Obama administration’s clumsy response and their legal gymnastics in trying to arrange for diplomatic immunity to be applied and the agent released, the Pakistani public’s outrage over the incident and the large-scale covert war being waged there.

02/10/11 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Marcy Wheeler, blogging under the pseudonym “emptywheel” at firedoglake.com, discusses the 44 thousand emails the hacker group “Anonymous” procured from private security firm HB Gary Federal, in retaliation for being “outed;” the three security firms (HB Gary, Palantir, and Berico Technologies) that submitted proposals (indirectly) to Bank of America for solving their WikiLeaks problem through a disinformation and smear campaign against WikiLeaks supporters like Glenn Greenwald and David...