Josh Stieber, conscientious objector and former U.S. Army Specialist, discusses the explicit direct order from Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Kauzlarich (featured in David Finkel’s The Good Soldiers) to open fire on any Iraqis in the vicinity of an IED attack, the 'magic 8-ball' type randomness to daily patrols in 2007 Baghdad, soldiers who resisted or refused orders that imperiled civilians and where veterans and active duty soldiers can find support groups.
04/13/10 – Josh Stieber – The Scott Horton Show
Josh Stieber, conscientious objector and former U.S. Army Specialist, discusses the all-too-ordinary events shown on the WikiLeaks 'Collateral Murder' video, the video’s failure to show the ground patrol units being protected by the helicopters, soldiers who are trained to shoot first and ask questions later and why criticism should be directed at the policy of occupation instead of the actions of individual soldiers.