Josh Ruebner, National Advocacy Director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, discusses Caterpillar's reported cancellation of bulldozer shipments to Israel for the duration of the Rachel Corrie trial, how Israel's demolition of Palestinian homes works as slow motion ethnic cleansing, keeping up the appearance of a viable Palestinian government so the international community can pretend the conflict isn't completely one-sided and how Jewish settlements physically cut off East...
09/03/10 – Josh Ruebner – The Scott Horton Show
Josh Ruebner, National Advocacy Director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, discusses burning his Israeli military deferment papers in protest, reasons to be skeptical of the newest attempt at Israel-Palestinian peace talks, the unfair foundation for negotiations that requires equal concessions from drastically unequal partners, why the U.S. never uses its substantial leverage to influence Israel’s policy and how the 500,000 West Bank settlers may have established enough 'facts...