Jon Basil Utley, director of Americans Against World Empire, discusses his article “Polling the Right Questions on Defense – Voters Get It Right,” a summary of Scott Rasmussen’s book The Peopole’s Money; the super-majority of Americans more concerned with economic threats than military ones; the “political class” cheerleaders of US empire; European labor laws and regulations that limit business competition; and the redundancy and waste in US “defense” spending.
09/13/10 – Jon Basil Utley – The Scott Horton Show
Jon Basil Utley, director of Americans Against World Empire, discusses how the U.S. export-grade democracy (proportional representation) differs from domestic democracy (direct elections) and the dysfunctional foundations of Iraq's government that may have been intentionally crippled to guarantee a permanent U.S. occupation.
08/17/10 – Jon Basil Utley – The Scott Horton Show
Jon Basil Utley, director of Americans Against World Empire, discusses the 'national defense' exception from popular outrage against government waste, conservatives who think government isn’t competent to run a nursery school but is up to running a world empire, why warfare and welfare go hand in hand, the coming VAT that will aid in prolonging the U.S. empire and why the conservative movement is all out of good ideas.
03/19/10 – Jon Basil Utley – The Scott Horton Show
Jon Basil Utley, director of Americans Against World Empire, discusses the insular and ignorant world views of pro-Israel evangelical Americans, how the strong outward appearance of the US empire belies the rotten core, gerrymandering's deleterious effects on representative government and how rising interest rates threaten the US government's ability to finance debt.
10/06/08 – Jon Basil Utley – The Scott Horton Show
John Basil Utley, director of Americans Against World Empire, discusses the true costs of the war and staggering defense budget, the many hidden earmarks Congress rewards itself, the role of the empire in the financial meltdown, the many new enemies being created around the world, Americans' love of war and the end of the empire.
10/11/07 – Jon Basil Utley – The Scott Horton Show
Jon Basil Utley, former South American correspondent for Knight-Ridder newspapers and founder of Americans Against World Empire, tells the story of his father's arrest and murder by the Soviet Communists at the Vorkuta Gulag, his mother, Freda's world travels documenting the horrors of Communism afterward and the baneful influence of America's Armageddonites on our current foreign policy.