Jim Powell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and author of Wilson's War: How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and World War II, discusses how US entry into WWI broke a three year stalemate and gave the allied forces a decisive victory, how the punitive Treaty of Versailles and crippling hyperinflation from war reparations provoked a defiant German nationalist reaction creating an environment receptive to Hitler's rise to power, Woodrow Wilson's arrogant creation...
11/29/07 – Jim Powell – The Scott Horton Show
Jim Powell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and author of Wilson's War: How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and World War II, explains that it was American intervention, not a lack thereof, that created the circumstances which led to the Second World War and the unbroken chain of U.S. intervention overseas from Woodrow Wilson's breaking of the stalemate of 1917.
04/16/05 – Jim Powell – The Scott Horton Show
Scott and Jim Powell talk about his new book Wilson's War: How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and World War II. Audio Stream MP3 Link