The Bush administration continues to disavow torture—and to officialize its practice. by James Bovard
What Used to be Considered a “Police State” is Now Just the Way Things Are Done in America
Bovard on the "drunk-driving" checkpoints.
Hang Bush
He's a murderer. Article by Jim Bovard.
08/16/07 – James Bovard – The Scott Horton Show
James Bovard, author of Attention Deficit Democracy, discusses the Padilla case, torture by the Bush regime and the capacity of the general public to overlook the evidence.
04/24/07 – James Bovard – The Scott Horton Show
The great libertarian author James Bovard discusses his new article for The American Conservative, "Working for the Clampdown," about the new martial law powers in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act.
03/29/07 – James Bovard – The Scott Horton Show
James Bovard discusses the U.S. attorney scandal, his hopes that more criminal activity will be revealed when Gonzales is forced out, Gonzales and Bush's obstruction of the DoJ's NSA wiretapping probe, Bush's secret executive order "authorizing" torture, Rumsfeld's "sovereign immunity," the National Security Letter scandal, the government's craven media sycophants, the hypocrisy of conservatives when it comes to their much-ballyhooed "rule of law" as it applies to Republicans in power, Scott's...