Hillary Mann Leverett, former State Department official and co-founder of The Race For Iran, discusses President Obama’s interview with Jeffrey Goldberg – essentially a ploy to boost his pro-Israel credentials ahead of the AIPAC conference; why suffering Iranians are seen as a positive sign (to Obama) that sanctions are working as intended; the significance of defining the US “red line” on Iran’s nuclear program in terms of capability instead of action; the Obama administration’s fraudulent...
02/20/12 – Hillary Mann Leverett – The Scott Horton Show
Hillary Mann Leverett, former State Department official and co-founder of The Race For Iran, discusses neoconservative Michael Rubin’s doubts about Iran’s 2003 “Grand Bargain” of diplomatic overtures to the US; how US and Iranian interests aligned against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, creating an opportunity for an al-Qaeda/MEK prisoner swap that may have prevented future terrorist attacks; the pushback from the US intelligence community/military against Israel and the Obama...
June 6 – Today on Antiwar Radio
Listen Live from 9:00 AM PT – 12:00 PM PT
Hillary Mann Leverett, John Lindsay-Poland, Eric Margolis
06/06/11 – Hillary Mann Leverett – The Scott Horton Show
Hillary Mann Leverett, former State Department official and co-founder of The Race For Iran, discusses her article “Misrepresenting the Iran-Al-Qa’ida ‘Connection;’” how US hardball diplomacy with Iran squandered an opportunity to acquire al-Qaeda’s “next bin Laden” Saif al-Adel; why the US protected the MEK even though the group was on the State Department’s terrorism list and fought with Saddam’s regime against US troops in Iraq; Iran’s cooperation with the US on terrorism issues (both...
12/04/10 – Hillary Mann Leverett – The Scott Horton Show
This interview is from the KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles broadcast of December 3rd, available here. Hillary Mann Leverett, former State Department official and co-founder of The Race For Iran, discusses Obama's campaign rhetoric about diplomatic engagement with enemy states and his subsequent appointment of advisers with contrary views; WikiLeaks cables that clearly show the duplicity of Obama's dealings with Iran; how the 3-party enriched uranium swap deal was deliberately sabotaged — in part by...