Last week I was honored to be asked by Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty if we could arrange to work together on a project to interview the best of the Austrian school of economics, whose understanding and love of capitalism necessitates their complete and total opposition to corporate welfare of any description. And so we did. What causes the business cycle? Is the bailout necessary? How does fractional reserve banking work? What is the relationship between inflationary money and empire? Is...
Antiwar Radio: Lew Rockwell
"Bernanke should go around in a Devil suit." Lew Rockwell, discusses the Ron Paul Revolution and Revolutionaries, the myth of the government exception from the moral law, the connection between central banking and war, the growing awareness among the American people of the connection between central banking and war, the terrible consequences of inflation, what Ron Paul would probably do about it, the savings to be had in ending the empire, the War Party players and red state fascists who...