David Bromwich, professor of literature at Yale University, discusses his article “Obama’s Drift Toward War With Iran;” the propaganda portraying Iran as an imminent threat to Israel and the US; Obama’s evolving Iran policy, from campaign promises of diplomacy to a doomed-to-fail “Single Roll of the Dice;” interventionist fantasies including non-invasion regime change and a Six-Day War repeat, where Iran’s nuclear program is bombed and set back years with no blowback; Dennis Ross’s surprising...
06/21/11 – David Bromwich – The Scott Horton Show
David Bromwich, professor of literature at Yale University, discusses his article “The Bipartisan Case Against U.S. Involvement in Libya” for the Huffington Post, how divisive fringe issues are used to create political divisions that keep the public from realizing the real conflict is the state vs. everyone else, hypothetical cross-party 2012 presidential tickets: Obama-Palin and Paul-Kucinich, taking liberties with language, from Bush’s “enhanced interrogation” to Obama’s “limited military...
May 23 – Today on Antiwar Radio
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Jacob Hornberger, Angela Keaton, David Bromwich
05/23/11 – David Bromwich – The Scott Horton Show
David Bromwich, Sterling Professor of English at Yale University, discusses his article “Obama’s Middle East: Rhetoric and Reality;” the degenerating US Middle East policy from Obama’s Cairo speech to George Mitchell’s resignation and the end of the “peace process;” and how Obama’s too-clever-by-half speechmaking takes the place of authoritative policy declarations – based on his belief that words can be substituted for actions.
03/10/11 – David Bronwich – The Scott Horton Show
David Bromwich, professor of literature at Yale University, discusses the Mideast protests that threaten US-allied autocrats and embarrass the empire; the mealy-mouthed government statements borne of an hypocritical foreign policy; burdensome obligations of the omnipresent US empire; and those interventionist think-tank writers who advocate a Libyan no-fly zone without knowing squat about the forces in play.
01/28/10 – David Bromwich – The Scott Horton Show
David Bromwich, professor of literature at Yale University, discusses American ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry's recommendation against a troop surge that Obama ignored, Eikenberry's concern that continued US assistance will indefinitely delay Afghan independence and self sufficiency, Obama's decision to forgo an Iraq Study Group-type reevaluation of policy on Afghanistan, the odd NYT note (end of article) that Robert Gates watched the military-coup movie Seven Days in May, Obama's...
05/21/09 – David Bromwich – The Scott Horton Show
David Bromwich, professor of literature at Yale University, discusses Edmund Burke's warnings on excessive concentrations of power, misleading coverage of the Obama/Netanyahu conference in which the New York Times exaggerated Obama's hawkishness on Iran and the administration's position on a Palestinian state.
05/06/09 – David Bromwich – The Scott Horton Show
David Bromwich, professor of literature at Yale University, discusses the standard Israeli practice of making incongruous conditional demands to avoid serious discussion of a Palestinian state, the propaganda and fundraising boon Ahmadinejad has been to AIPAC, the radicalizing effect recent Russian immigrants have had on Israeli politics and how the Iranian nuclear scaremongering may be designed for American consumption.
07/21/08 – David Bromwich – The Scott Horton Show
David Bromwich, Sterling professor of English at Yale University and blogger at the Huffington Post, discusses the op-ed in the New York Times by Benny Morris advocating an American/Israeli attack on Iran, numerous reasons not to attack Iran, the difference between pre-emptive and preventive wars, the constant warmongering of the New York Times, the War Party and the media's ignoring of the opinions of the American and the Iraqi citizenry and the usefulness of impeachment. MP3 Here