Dahr Jamail, author of The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, discusses how U.S. involvement in Iraq intensified after 1958, continued U.S. support for Saddam Hussein during his worst atrocities, the April Glaspie moment and infamous Madeleine Albright soundbite, the 1990s decade of bombing a sanctions-crippled Iraq, what Obama really means by 'withdrawal' and how Nouri al-Maliki continues to wield power while the rest of Iraq’s government remains...
04/07/10 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Dahr Jamail discusses the common occurrence of unprovoked US military violence like the incident revealed by Wikileaks, Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s two-month window to eliminate the competition and stay in power, the inability of Americans to parse through media nonsense to get the real story on Iraq, 'atrocity producing' situations in Iraq fed by dehumanization and arbitrary rules of engagement and why it’s difficult to turn off the boot camp-indoctrinated...
Antiwar Radio 3/16/10
Greg Palast, Dahr Jamail, Jesse Walker - 11am-1pm 95.9 in Austin or stream from KAOSRadioAustin.org or Antiwar.com/radio.
03/16/10 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Dahr Jamail, author of The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, discusses the nostalgia many Iraqi women have for the (relative) gender and religious tolerance in the Saddam Hussein era, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's firm grip on power despite the low functionality of Iraq's government, loopholes in the US-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement that could extend the occupation beyond 2011 and the disastrous results of the US invasion of Iraq so far.
Antiwar Radio 3/11/10: Larisa Alexandrovna, Dahr Jamail, Raed Jarrar
Iraq, news, old rap 1-3 95.9 FM in Austin or stream from KAOSRadioAustin.org or Antiwar.com/radio.
01/14/10 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Dahr Jamail discusses the Army’s imprisonment of a stop-lossed soldier who expressed his frustration through music composition, military family problems and low morale caused by repeated deployments, the 'psychological implosion' of many shell-shocked soldiers and the unprecedented military suicide rates that threaten to climb even higher.
09/29/09 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Dahr Jamail discuses the mistreatment of conscientious objectors on U.S. military bases, systemic 'warehousing' of AWOL and injured soldiers, the redeployment pressure faced by soldiers with serious brain injuries or PTSD and the support network available for those seeking conscientious objector status.
07/03/09 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Dahr Jamail, author of the article 'Refusing to Comply: The Tactics of Resistance in an All-Volunteer Military,' discusses the increasing disillusionment among soldiers for Iraq and Afghanistan war justifications, the tactics of evading dangerous and pointless 'IED lottery' patrols, Pentagon estimates of 25-40 thousand AWOL soldiers since 2003 and how the U.S. economic downturn is preventing a large organized war resistance from taking hold within the military.
04/13/09 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Dahr Jamail, writer for Foreign Policy in Focus, discusses the Iraqi government’s unwillingness to incorporate Sunni 'Awakening Councils' into the regular army, the walled-off autonomous conclaves within Baghdad, the decimation of Iraq’s health care system and forty years of U.S. meddling in Iraqi affairs.
02/12/09 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Dahr Jamail, author of Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq, discusses the improved security in Baghdad that comes by way of a semi-police state fortified with concrete blast walls, the millions of Iraqi refugees who claim they will never return, the rising discontent among members of Sunni 'Awakening' groups, the incredibly high potential for violence in a politically unstable country with armed militias and 50% unemployment and how the numerous...
09/17/08 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Dahr Jamail, reporter for IPS News, discusses the Winter Soldier testimonies, the critical dehumanization process in waging war, the intentional tactics the military uses to foment these views, the complete black-out of the Winter Soldier testimonies by the U.S. corporate media, 'drop-weapons' used by soldiers to frame dead civilians as enemies in Iraq, lies told by recruiters to brainwash young soldiers, the lie of the success of the 'surge' in a much more fragmented political situation in...
08/07/08 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Dahr Jamail, reporter for IPS News and author of Beyond the Green Zone, discusses the new effort by the Maliki government to allow the former Sunni insurgency - now known at the 'Sons of Iraq' or 'Concerned Local Citizens' - into the police forces in Baquba in order to fight 'al Qaeda in Iraq,' the various militias’ within the government and their primary loyalties, precarious politics in Kirkuk, Maliki’s statements in favor of American withdrawal, the irony of the U.S. backing the...
01/23/08 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
IPS News reporter Dahr Jamail discusses current relations between the former Sunni insurgency, the Shia militias, Kurdish and government factions in Iraq, the humanitarian catastrophe and the danger to our troops in Iraq in event of war with Iran.
11/09/07 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Unembedded reporter Dahr Jamail discusses the continuing quagmire in Iraq, how the 'surge' was just to appease Americans and buy time, how the decline in murders is due to the ethnic cleansing being complete, U.S. support for Iraqi separatists, U.S. claims of Iranian meddling in Iraq while we have over 300,000 occupiers and possible consequences for U.S. troops in Iraq in the event of war with Iran.
05/28/07 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show
Dahr Jamail explains the Earthly Hell that the U.S. government has created for the people of Iraq.