You know, all these Interventionists who claim to free countries--- Do they actually visit the countries they "free"? Of course not. It would be something like this comic up here. And speaking of which, today's Antiwar Comic features a familiar face. For more comics visit.
The Antiwar Comic: The Budget Doesn’t Include You
When I first heard about Matt's story, I couldn't believe it, but I guess I shouldn't've been too surprised. Even when the government is helping, it doesn't really help, does it? For more comics visit the Webcomic Factory
The Antiwar Comic: The Last Letter
I was really moved by the plight of Tomas Young. I remember Bush's speech after 9/11 and all I could think was, "Crap, this is going to stir things up. Of all the shifty politicians to get so high and mighty--- This can't be good." I've tried to talk a few people out of joining the military. Was successful at least once. Anyhow, you have to admire a guy that goes through this and comes around. It's a shame he had to go through such pain. For more comics visit the Webcomic...
The Antiwar Comic: War Crimes Paradox
Bradley Manning is getting a push these days with the trial heating up. (Although, who really knows what's going on when they won't let the crowd-funded stenographer in.) Let's all hope Bradley goes free. If not after this trial, maybe he'll get pardoned after the next presidential election. For more comics visit:
The Antiwar Comic: Diplomatic Schizophrenia
One of the main themes in any sensible antiwar world view, is how foreign policy gets contradictory when you deny that you're really running an empire. For more comics visit:
The Antiwar Comic: What’s Wrong With Iran?
The more you read about Iran, the more you realize how insane it is that we would attack it. Coincidentally, the current Antiwar Comic is also about Iran. For more comics visit:
The Antiwar Comic: How Much for the War?
Remember Michelle Bachman? Yeah, I'd like to forget her too.
The Antiwar Comic: Cops or Soldiers?
This is a theme I'm sure you're all familiar with, since it seems to get increasingly worse day by day; the militarization of the police in the US. For more comics visit:
The Antiwar Comic: The General That Hated War
This one is based on General Smedley Butler. A real class act. You gotta love that speech.
The Antiwar Comic: Stick to Zombies
Every day, we seem to get closer and closer to the Terminator movies. For more comics visit:
The Antiwar Comic: Sexy, Sexy War
I think I wrote this right around the time of the second or third Transformers movie. I forget which one, but it's the one that turns into a commercial for Navy Seals about two thirds of the way through. It annoys the Hell out of me that movie theaters play this elaborate commercials for the military and that I paid for those commercials. Why does the Army need to recruit? Shouldn't the "threat" to our country be enough incentive? Of course, there's no real threat, which is why they...
The Antiwar Comic: Protesting the Protests
This strip was inspired by Justin Raimondo over at who pointed out more than once how the antiwar movement on the Democrat side just disappeared. For more Antiwar comics and other comics visit:
The Antiwar Comic: Hope Springs
This strip was inspired by the night I tried to talk a cartoonist out of joining the Army. Sadly, I failed. I did manage to talk one of my fans out of it though sometime later. (Click for a bigger image) For more comics, check out:
The Antiwar Comic: Blinded by the Bias
This one was inspired by some of my friends and family. Who, in my opinion, are way too trusting of law enforcement.