Listen Live from 9:00 AM PT – 12:00 AM PT or
Gareth Porter, Jason Ditz, Coleen Rowley, the “other” Scott Horton
04/27/11 – Coleen Rowley – The Scott Horton Show
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and 9/11 whistleblower, discusses her Washington Times article (with Philip Leggiere) “Let the Patriot Act Die: Invasive provisions about to expire haven’t made us safer;” Senator Russ Feingold’s “Justice Act” designed to reign in the excesses of the Patriot Act; how war is making the US less safe and poorer; how the FBI’s uses National Security Letters to collect vast amounts of information on Americans with little oversight or accountability; and the many...
02/02/11 – Coleen Rowley – The Scott Horton Show
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and 9/11 whistleblower, discusses the cycle of intelligence sharing, from pre-9/11 inter-agency competitive secrecy, to post-9/11 information overload, and back to clamming up again (post-WikiLeaks); why, despite the greatly expanded national security state, the only successes in thwarting actual terrorism have come from vigilant bystanders; Sibel Edmonds' incredible account of another FBI linguist's meetings with a former SAVAK chief, where he steadfastly...
01/13/11 – Coleen Rowley – The Scott Horton Show
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and 9/11 whistleblower, discusses the recent COINTELPRO-style government infiltration of a peaceful activist group; planned MLK day protests at FBI Washington headquarters and Quantico Marine base in support of Bradley Manning; how the government’s overreaction to WikiLeaks has led to a culture of paranoia, including a memo warning of 'insider threats' and suspiciously grumpy employees; how the expansive national security state sacrifices our civil liberties...
12/13/10 – Coleen Rowley – The Scott Horton Show
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and 9/11 whistleblower, discusses her work as Chief Division Counsel at the Minneapolis FBI office; how FBI headquarters acted criminally negligent in preventing agents from properly investigating Zacarias Moussaoui before 9/11; how sloppy FISA legislation created a wall within and between intelligence agencies; why government transparency benefits the public far more than excessive secrecy; and the deeply flawed Whistleblower Protection Act that fails to cover...
Antiwar Radio 3/12/10
Angela Keaton will be here, along with guests Patrick Cockburn, Coleen Rowley, Jeff Frazee, Brian Beyer, Christina Tobin 1-3 95.9 FM in Austin or stream from or
03/12/10 – Coleen Rowley – The Scott Horton Show
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and 9/11 whistleblower, discusses the myth that FISA restrictions (and not incompetence at FBI and CIA headquarters) prevented critical intelligence sharing prior to 9/11, CIA Director George Tenet’s August 2001 'Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly' powerpoint briefing about Zacarias Moussaoui and why the creation of the DHS and increased centralization of intelligence organizations did nothing to fix 9/11 failures.