Cindy Corrie, President of the Rachel Corrie Foundation, discusses the civil lawsuit against the State of Israel and its Ministry of Defense for the unlawful killing of her daughter Rachel in 2003, the strange operating practices of Israel's court system — including privacy screens for some witnesses and a casual disregard for perjury, the contradictory testimony of the bulldozer driver who caused Rachel's death, assurances from U.S. officials in the State Department and Vice President's...
06/03/10 – Craig and Cindy Corrie – The Scott Horton Show
Craig and Cindy Corrie, parents of peace activist Rachel Corrie who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza in 2003, discuss Rachel’s enthusiastic work on behalf of Palestinian victims of occupation, witnessing firsthand the destructive effects of Operation 'Cast Lead,' how Israeli checkpoints fracture communities and prevent a functional Palestinian society, why Israel shouldn’t be trusted to conduct a real investigation of its own crimes and how Rachel’s legacy continues through (among...