By Christopher Ketcham [.pdf] Update: And here is Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us by Brad Friedman. Larry Flynt, man, you're alright.
09/05/08 – Christopher Ketcham – The Scott Horton Show
Freelance reporter Christopher Ketcham discusses the FBI’s alleged case against Bruce Ivins, the under-whelming amount of evidence against him such as the spontaneous silica phenomenon, the suppressed letter from the culprit, the state’s covert development of weaponized anthrax just before the attacks, the decisive role of the anthrax attacks in passing the Patriot Act and waging all out war after 9/11 and how the FBI 'solved' the case by pushing Ivins to kill himself. MP3 Here.
Christopher Ketcham on Antiwar Radio
06/02/08 – Christopher Ketcham – The Scott Horton Show
Freelance reporter Christopher Ketcham, author of a new piece called 'The Last Roundup' for Radar magazine, discusses the 'Continuity Of Government' (COG) plan to keep government operating after a national emergency such as a nuclear strike, effectively suspending the Constitution and turning the country into a fascist military dictatorship, the history of COG going back to the Cold War and it’s partial implementation after 9/11, DHS’s 'Main Core' and other databases and lists of dissidents...
02/14/08 – Christopher Ketcham – The Scott Horton Show
Christopher Ketcham, a freelance reporter and writer for many venues including, discusses modern American secessionist movements like the Second Vermont Republic, the drawbacks of centralized power and possible pitfalls of radical decentralization, his upcoming article for Radar about federal plans for martial law and upcoming movie about corruption in Brooklyn.
02/22/07 – Christopher Ketcham – The Scott Horton Show
Christopher Ketcham discusses his article "Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks," for CounterPunch: How much did the Israeli spies who were following the 9/11 hijackers know before the attack and how much did the U.S. government know?