Chris Hedges, author of War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, discusses the present state of affairs, best described as a convergence of the fictional dystopias in 1984 and Brave New World; the language of tyranny, ranging from soft seduction to overt threats, depending on the audience; how working class outrage is diverted away from the entrenched elite, and focused on scapegoats and fantastic conspiracies; the destruction and co-option of traditional Leftist institutions; and how federal...
Antiwar Radio 5/14/10
Max Keiser, Matthew Harwood, Chris Hedges 11-1 95.9 in Austin or stream from
05/14/10 – Chris Hedges – The Scott Horton Show
Chris Hedges, author of War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, discusses the antiwar movement's many mistakes that have rendered it ineffective, the slow-motion fascist coup d'etat in the US, the dangers of unfettered capitalism, the pros and cons of secession movements and the near-unanimous Congressional approval of the extrajudicial assassination of US citizens.
12/02/08 – Chris Hedges – The Scott Horton Show
Chris Hedges, author of War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning, discusses the anti-occupation motives of terrorists, the similarities of extremists that transcend religion and culture, how a U.S. economic collapse could usher in a popular uprising of the Christian Right, the desperate and mostly ignored situation in the Gaza Strip and the terrible consequences of a war with Iran.
06/20/08 – Chris Hedges – The Scott Horton Show
Chris Hedges, co-author of the new book Collateral Damage: America’s War Against Iraqi Civilians, discusses the recent talk of lifting the blockade against Gaza and the horrific conditions and collective punishment inflicted by Israel, how the U.S. troops in Iraq are in an atrocity producing situation, the black-out by the U.S. media of the brutal reality of the Iraq occupation, the civilian killing 'flying check points,' how the Bush regime converted the mass Muslim sympathy towards the U.S....
10/18/07 – Chris Hedges – The Scott Horton Show
Chris Hedges, veteran war reporter and author of War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning and many other books, discusses the convergence of the Egyptian and American national security states as their puppet military dictatorship kidnaps and tortures people at the best of the U.S. government, the incompatibility of the rule of law and a republican form of government with empire and oligarchy, the 'ghost prisons' and 'ghost detainees,' held by the U.S. government around the world, the tortured (and...
07/23/05 – Chris Hedges – The Scott Horton Show
Scott talks with author and reporter Chris Hedges about the corrupting influence of violent conflict on individuals and culture. Audio Stream MP3 Link