Charles Goyette and Scott Horton of Antiwar Radio discuss the use of the pejorative 'conspiracy theorist,' to shut down debate of controversial issues, the continuing danger of war with Iran, the Federal Reserve Board’s war against the American people, their total lack of accountability, vast new power grab over ever larger sectors of the economy, the (un)willingness of most Americans to face up to the truth of the corruption in DC, the danger that when the economy really gets bad, the state...
Charles Goyette on Joe Briggs’ Policy Watch
A great interview. I was supposed to be there too. Sorry Joe!
Charles Goyette Rules
09/20/07 – Charles Goyette – The Scott Horton Show
Antiwar Radio host Charles Goyette explains how central banking and empire have destroyed the U.S. dollar, some history regarding the gold standard, the confluence of interests which came together for the war in Iraq, how the fed transfers the wealth from the working and middle classes to the plutocrats and the true costs of war.