Charles Featherstone, regular writer at, discusses his disagreement with Eric Margolis‘s doubts about the legitimacy of Libya’s (initial) uprising; how tribal groups within modern states (like Saudi Arabia and Libya) function as “intermediate institutions” that provide a protective barrier between individuals and unbridled state power; how tribal negotiations with Gaddafi could have prevented a Benghazi massacre – without Western intervention; why the CIA’s obvious infiltration...
03/30/11 – Charles Featherstone – The Scott Horton Show
Charles Featherstone, regular writer at, discusses the “it’s all about oil” explanation for US foreign policy; why the US is even more concerned about Saudi Arabia’s fate than Israel’s; language in the UN Liyba resolution that seems to forbid ground troops, but doesn’t; the new “leader” of Libya’s rebels that spent the last 20 years in suburban Virginia, arousing suspicions that he’s a CIA asset; the warmongers hard at work figuring how to get the US involved in Syria and Iran;...
03/14/11 – Charles Featherstone – The Scott Horton Show
Charles Featherstone, regular writer at, discusses a possible quid pro quo arrangement between the US and Saudi Arabia, where Saudi support for a Libya no-fly zone is exchanged for US permission to crush the Bahrain protests; why those concerned with the Libyan rebels’ safety should remember the often-disastrous consequences of US “humanitarian” missions; the unfortunate habit of classifying US foreign policy actions in terms of public relations outcomes; and why a bloody...
08/24/10 – Charles Featherstone – The Scott Horton Show
Charles Featherstone, regular writer at, discusses his article 'The Littlest Liberal Warmonger,' why Saudi Arabia isn’t nearly as repressed and despotic as most people think, how the mosque protests are as much about despair over failing wars as a Republican election year ploy to rally the base, why al Qaeda’s social agenda and use of violence is exceedingly unpopular in the Muslim world and author Frantz Fanon‘s definitive 1961 work on how violent resistance can defeat Western...
03/30/09 – Charles Featherstone – The Scott Horton Show
Charles H. Featherstone, seminarian and freelance editor, discusses the use of religion to justify Israel's Gaza invasion, the irony of browbeating Muslims for being anti-modern while citing an ancient biblical text, the eventual election of a Palestinian Arab as Prime Minister of Israel and the limited but significant opportunities for free expression in Saudi Arabia.
01/09/08 – Charles Featherstone – The Scott Horton Show writer Charles Featherstone, discusses the bankrupt ideology of American empire and the best way to fight al Qaeda. Featherstone's elaboration on the central bank question here.