Thomas Harrington joins Scott to discuss his latest article on Catalonia for "Last Sunday In Catalonia: Pirates 1, The Invincible Armada 0." Harrington breaks down the history of Catalonia, how we've gotten to where we are today, and what the vote means for Catalonia and Spain. Harrington also explains who stands to gain from Catalonian independence and who doesn't. Ultimately, despite the brewing conflict, Harrington has some optimism that negotiation and a peaceful settlement...
10/2/17 Joe Lauria on the consequences of the Kurdish Referendum
Joe Lauria returns to update the situation in Iraqi Kurdistan after the referendum for an independent Kurdish state passed. Lauria describes the escalating tensions, explains why believes the referendum was a mistake, and how despite the vote, the Kurds are no closer to independence than they were before. Lauria details the history of Kurdish suffering throughout the decades and suggests that this referendum could lead to another precarious situation for the Kurds. Then Lauria touches on how...