Candace Gorman, Chicago civil rights attorney representing two Guantanamo detainees, discusses the delays in getting habeas corpus hearings for her clients, the inadequate health care afforded Gitmo inmates, Matthew Waxman’s role in having 'enemy combatant' status reviews redone until the results were favorable to the government, why detainees headed to Illinois will probably get military tribunals and Gorman’s own attempt to sue the NSA for tapping her phone.
10/27/08 – Candace Gorman – The Scott Horton Show
H. Candace Gorman, Chicago civil rights attorney representing two Guantanamo detainees, discusses the difficulty of being a defense attorney for detainees subject to shifting court rulings and legal designations, a paralyzed federal court system that is stalling habeas corpus hearings until after the presidential election is decided, back room repatriation deals between the Bush administration, potential host countries and Guantanamo defense attorneys in order to preempt unfavorable judicial...
05/02/08 – Candace Gorman – The Scott Horton Show
Candace Gorman, Chicago lawyer representing 2 prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, discusses the release of al Jazeera cameraman, long-term Guantanamo prisoner Sami al-Hajj, some of the horrific circumstances of his capture, his 'crime' of refusing to become an informant, the continued denial of medical treatment to her client Al-Ghizzawi who has been subject to double jeopardy after even the bogus tribunal found that he was not an 'enemy combatant,' the refusal of multiple military...
10/25/07 – Candace Gorman – The Scott Horton Show
Candice Gorman discusses the plights of her clients who are locked up in the Guantanamo Bay prison, how the U.S. dropped thousands of leaflets over Afghanistan promising millions of dollars in rewards to turn in Arabs to U.S., how the U.S. labels most Gitmo prisoners as enemies of whichever state they happen to be from, the catalog of violations of the Bill of Rights, Article 1, Section 9 and other basic premises of American criminal justice, their difficulties in even getting lawyers to...