Bob Murphy discusses the kernel of truth in the parody of Paul Krugman's "destruction boosts the economy" theory (wouldn't that make Haiti among the world's richest countries?); Ron Paul's plan for gold-backed currencies to compete with Federal Reserve dollars; how a gold standard limits the government's ability to inflate the currency and make wars; how artificially low interest rates create unsustainable consumption; the new economic bubble emerging in sovereign debt, where risk and interest...
Antiwar Radio 5/18/10:
Antiwar Radio 5/18/10: Margaret Roberts, Muhammad Sahimi, James Bovard, Bob Murphy and Debra Sweet 11-1pm 95.9 in Austin or stream from
03/18/08 – Bob Murphy – The Scott Horton Show
Bob Murphy, adjunct scholar at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses the Fed-created housing bubble, the bailout of Bear Sterns and JP Morgan, and the fallacies used to attempt to justify government intervention in the economy.
01/25/08 – Bob Murphy – The Scott Horton Show
Bob Murphy, adjunct scholar at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses the current economic turmoil, its causes and effects.
06/18/05 – Bob Murphy – The Scott Horton Show
Mises' Bob Murphy discusses market anarchy, central banking, and trade. Audio Stream MP3 Link