McCain pulls ahead. Update: To be perfectly clear: Obama is as bad as McCain, but McCain is much worse than Obama.
The News I Didn’t Get To
On the show today: What John McCain didn't learn in Vietnam - Suicide, Post-Traumatic Stress and Depression Haunt US Troops Back from Iraq and Afghanistan - Paintball was practice, says terror-cell mole - No evidence needed under terror profiling plan - Families tell of hidden Korean War executions - U.S. Okayed Korean War Massacres - US colonel wrote he sanctioned mass killing - Russia says Georgia could spark new war in Abkhazia - The Rise and McFaul of Obama's Russia Policy - (Yes, I know,...
Some Headlines
NYC Police State Fighting al Qaeda Like an Idiot U.S. Backs Dictators Juan Cole was Right about "Re-Ba'athist" Law Weeks Ago The 3 Iraq Wars Obama Sold Out Local Radiation Pollution Victims