Andrew Cockburn, author of Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall and Catastrophic Legacy, discusses his article “Search and destroy: The Pentagon’s losing battle against IEDs;” the $70 billion “Manhattan Project” to combat $20 homemade landmines – that remain as effective as ever; how the military rejects cheap low-tech solutions and keeps the cash flowing to defense contractors; and the battle of wits between a Taliban bomb-maker and an American explosive ordnance technician.
10/20/10 – Andrew Cockburn – The Scott Horton Show
Andrew Cockburn, author of Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall and Catastrophic Legacy, discusses his review of Joy Gordon's Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions, how innocuous-sounding sanctions fail to engender the popular opposition that a war does even though the death and destruction levels are on par and how the Clinton administration changed the requirements to end sanctions to depose Saddam Hussein and score domestic political points.
12/15/09 Andrew Cockburn: U.S. Support for Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Program
Andrew Cockburn, author of Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy, discusses the historical and continuing US support for Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, how the CIA and State Department stymied attempts to stop A.Q. Kahn early on and how US safeguarding efforts allow Pakistan's nukes to be more fully and rapidly deployed.
04/18/07 – Andrew Cockburn pt.2 – The Scott Horton Show
Antiwar Radio Exclusive: Revealed by Andrew Cockburn April 18, 2007: When Secretary of State Madeline Albright announced, on March 26, 1997, that Iraqi sanctions would stay in place despite the UN inspectors success it was an effort to preempt UN inspection chief Ralf Ekeus's pending announcement that Iraq was to be certified "free" of "weapons of mass destruction." (at 22:40) This, as Cockburn explains, led Saddam to decide there was no further point in allowing the inspectors access to his...
04/12/07 – Andrew Cockburn pt.1 – The Scott Horton Show
Andrew Cockburn, author of Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall and Catastrophic Legacy, discusses Donald Rumsfeld's flawed personality, and history of intrigue, naked ambition, torture and war.