Adam Morrow, journalist with IPS News, discusses the continuing protests (with declining turnout) in Egypt; the constitutional clash between Islamic groups and secular parties/Coptic Christians on the deference to Islamic law in legislation; why the army will allow elections and civilian government to take hold (barring civil war or a big escalation in violence); widespread opposition to the 1979 Camp David agreement; why the Muslim Brotherhood’s recognition as a legitimate political power...
05/27/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show
This interview is from the KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles broadcast of May 27th. Adam Morrow, journalist with IPS News, discusses the ongoing Egyptian revolution, with renewed protests and token governmental reforms; the tenuous security situation with the army replacing the disbanded police force; changes to Egypt’s foreign policy, especially on Gaza; the open-yet-restricted Rafah border crossing, where people may pass but not bulk commercial goods or building supplies; and the very fast...
April 11 – Today on Antiwar Radio
Listen Live from 9:00 AM PT – 12:00 AM PT
Guests: The other Scott Horton, Daphne Eviatar, Adam Morrow
04/07/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show
Adam Morrow, journalist with IPS News, discusses the divide on Egypt’s March referendum, split along religious lines; the economic crisis that sparked the revolution, and the many other grievances that sustain it; and the upcoming parliamentary and presidential polls that, if conducted fairly, will finally give Egyptians a representative government.
02/18/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show
This interview is excerpted from the KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles broadcast of February 18th. The original is available here. Adam Morrow, journalist with IPS News, discusses Egypt’s incredible, broad-based, non-”ism” (except nationalism), peaceful revolution; the endurance of Egypt’s decades-long Emergency Law and the many remaining Mubarak-appointed government ministers; the unheeded demands of protesters to release all political prisoners; the lack of women or Coptic Christians on the panel...
02/11/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show
Adam Morrow, journalist with IPS News, discusses how Egyptian protesters remained peaceful despite scores of agent provocateurs inciting violence, attempting to discredit the demonstrations; crucial infrastructure in Tahrir Square (electrical, bathrooms) completed by volunteer professionals in hours, while it typically took the government years to respond to citizens' needs; WikiLeaks documents that make the Egyptian government indistinguishable from Israel on Gaza policy; protesters staying...
02/10/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show
Adam Morrow, journalist with IPS News, discusses the celebratory mood of protesters in Cairo just minutes before Mubarak's speech, where he was expected to resign; the largest turnout for demonstrations yet, nearly 2 million Muslims and Coptic Christians united in revolt by some counts; the diversity of religious and political views represented at Tahrir Square — certainly nothing to indicate a Muslim fundamentalist uprising; and how, despite news coverage focused in Cairo, the protests are...