Well folks, I’m not sure what exactly is the deal, but the very best of the Birchers, my good friend, William Norman Grigg, has a new blog to replace the old BirchBlog that for some reason has ceased to exist.
You may continue to read Will’s great essays at Pro Libertate http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/
What a great name for a blog, huh?
Here’s a taste of what he’s got in store:
“The glad tidings have resounded from the talk radio minarets and Mega-Church madrassas of the Bushi’ite Right: All praise our Dear Leader (peace be upon him) for his bold and noble act in “protecting” San Diego’s Mount Soledad War Memorial.
“A more honest description of Bush’s act would be: Staging a federal land-grab in order to gain a transient political advantage and continue the process of sanctifying the Warfare State.
“On August 15, George Abu George signed a law transfering possession of the Memorial, with its 29-foot-tall Latin cross, to the federal government, using the power of eminent domain.
“Accordingly, many of the same supposed conservatives who have been in high dudgeon over last year’s Kelo decision — which authorizes local governments to use eminent domain to seize property for commercial purposes — are cheering themselves hoarse over a federal land grab staged for purely partisan purposes.
“The effect of the Mt. Soledad Land Grab, explained a wire service story, was to take a “17-year parochial battle over the memorial” and transform it into “a national cause for supporters and foes of religious symbols on public property.” Which is to say, it’s yet another instant wedge issue, in addition to being a potentially disastrous precedent for federal seizure of contested local properties and landmarks by whichever political faction happens to be temporarily in charge in Washington.”
See what I mean?