Wade Boese will be the featured guest on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio, 1:15PM Eastern, Wednesday, July 9th.
Wade Boese will be discussing the proposed U.S. missile defense system for Europe.
Wade Boese is the research director of the Arms Control Association. Boese writes for Arms Control Today, prepares ACA fact sheets, and maintains contact with the press and public on these issues. His work has been published in The American Prospect Online, Jane’s Intelligence Review, Defense News, The New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Times, and Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. He also contributed to Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Debunking the Myths and Exposing the Risks of Arms Export Reform.
The Scott Horton Show airs Monday through Friday from 12PM-2PM Eastern on KAOS 92.7FM. Additional feeds and archives available at Antiwar Radio.